Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Day

"In the beginning...."

What a fitting first line for this blog! It is the first verse of the Bible. Genesis 1:1. And these three words are where almost everyone can find common ground. We all believe we "began" at some point. Whether it was millions of years ago or 6,000 years ago we all believe there was a beginning. Yes, I know, there are those that believe the universe has always existed, but they are an extreme minority and have no grounds for their theory, scientific or theological.

This blog will document my studies into the different beliefs about our origin. I will warn you now that I will be biased in what I post. I believe in the creation story told in the Bible in Genesis chapter one and I will be primarily posting findings that support that view. However, I will be posting new findings that support the theory of atheistic evolution worldview should I find any. But you should know that I have not found any thus far.

I hope you enjoy reading what I find as much as I enjoy finding it.


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