Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Beginning is Faith

Now, we know that all reasonable people believe the universe had a beginning either through a creator/designer or through naturalistic evolution. We know that no one saw this event nor can they replicate that beginning in a laboratory (and even if they could it does not conclusively mean that is the way it began). Therefore, we can not verify in a physical, scientific sense that either of these opinions is the way "the beginning" happened. They both require faith.

Although both require faith they do not require blind faith. Both evolution and intelligent design proponents will point to "evidence" in the natural world that supports their belief system. Both sides are equally passionate in their opinions. What I have found is that believers in both ID and atheistic evolution are sometimes unwilling to honestly consider the opposing viewpoint. There are exceptions to this rule of course, but those people are not the talking heads we see on television. The media wants sensationalism and they stack the deck with bloviators in order to get it.

At this point we must evaluate the data to see what our logic and reason would have us to believe about the origin of mankind. And the best advice I can give you in evaluating the data is to remember that there are more than two ways to look at a situation.

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