Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Both Intelligent Design and Evolution Require Faith?

In the last entry I mentioned that both ID and evolution require faith in order for a person to believe in them . Those of you that are new to ID are probably wondering exactly what do I mean. Believers in the theory of evolution would say that there is hard scientific evidence to support their belief system. This is not true. However, lets assume there is evidence for biological evolution. This is the change of one biological organism into another biological organism and ultimately into man. Ok, even if that were true it still does not explain where the biological organism originated. There is no evidence to support a claim that billions of years ago lightning struck the primordial soup and sparked a lifeform into existence. Belief in this requires a person to believe in something they can not see, touch, replicate in a laboratory, or hear an eye witness account of. It requires faith that their hypothesis is correct despite the lack of, or even ability for, verification. The origin of life ultimately falls to the point of "the beginning."

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