Monday, August 25, 2008

A brief description of Intelligent Design science and Evolutionary science

We know that this earth and everything on it had a beginning. There are two major viewpoints that try to explain how we came into existence. The first is Intelligent Design (ID). Proponents of ID believe the universe was created by a higher being. Most believe this higher being to be God. ID proponents believe this higher being created the universe, the earth, plants, and animals in much the same form as we see today. This belief is based primarily in faith because we can not test God by applying the Scientific Method. However, many of the discoveries being made by scientists today fit perfectly with the idea of a designer rather than the alternative. This alternative is the theory of evolution (when talking about the origin of the universe we are talking about cosmic evolution, not biological evolution). Proponents of this theory believe the universe began billions of years ago through naturalistic means. In other words, there was no creator or designer, only unguided random processes. These unguided, random processes continued for billions of years developing matter, plants, animals, and ultimately mankind. This belief is also based in faith because we can not know what happened 20 billion years ago, nor can we subject it to the scientific method.


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