Sunday, April 12, 2009

the Easter post

One of the biggest obstacles evolutionists must ultimately deal with is the question..."how did life begin?" Most evolutionists will say that evolution has nothing to do with "the beginning," evolution only deals with the changing over time of what has already begun. While this is technically true, the fact that the universe exists begs the question "what is its cause?" Can life arise out of nothing? Can rocks and gas create a living cell? The truth is, there is no reason whatsoever to believe that it can. We have never witnessed such an event. And even if we could recreate that magic moment when a rock and a mixture of proteins sparked a living cell, the question still remains "where did the rock, proteins, and spark come from?" What evolutionists do not want to admit is that believing in any theory attempting to explain the origin of life is no more than faith in the unseen. Call it an educated guess. Call it science. Call it whatever you wish, but in reality, it is nothing more than believing by faith. It is no different than believing in Santa Clause or the Easter bunny.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Creationists agree with Darwin on natural selection

Many evolutionists I talk to do not fully understand the creationist point of view when it comes to evolution and the process of natural selection. Creationists do agree with Darwin on the process of natural selection. Natural selection states that organisms with advantageous traits survive and increase in number allowing them to pass on that trait to their offspring. The evolutionist takes it a step further and says that by this process a frog can become another animal. Creationists do not agree with that next assumption. There is no evidence to support that an animal can become another "kind" of animal. A dog can become a bigger dog, or a hairier dog, but it can not become a horse.,2933,509800,00.html?sPage=fnc/scitech/evolution

This link will take you to an article that discusses this issue. It also talks about the creation museum in Kentucky.